Nostalgic emulation

A webpage dedicated to the era of end of 90s and early 2000s.


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  • Check out the sites that helped me to contruct this page.

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I want to thanks to these websites I've surfed in Neocities in order to customize them and include them, while I was constructing my webpage. Some also included
other collection. Also the huge collection of the Quake 3 maps and skins that you would definitely want to try out! Click on those badges to open them.

- If you want to quickly create your own blinkie or take one of them. Blinkies cafe has plenty of stuff to add up to your webpage or just to show off.

- Gif, button and banner searcher. If you want to find specific gif or icon in that site, then here you go. Find your own banner or button to your webpage!

- Library and a museum of all stuff. Internet Archive is the site that contains a lot of stuff you almost need it. Pics, videos, books, guides. Also, it has feature to hop in the sites on how they were in the past. WayBack machine. Like how were Valve's Steam, Id Software, Microsoft, Winamp.

- Backgrounds catalog with included preview. Find your own background that fits well in your webpage's personality.

- An archive for Quake 3 Arena. Almost includes a lot of stuff for Quake 3. Maps and Mods. For a huge collection of skins and maps head over this link if you want to construct your own maplist for your game.

- The museum of skins for Winamp. Dedicated to this music player Winamp and skins to find your own suitable skin or perhaps the forgotten one you need. I recommend you to use this version



Special thanks to the this service for hosting created webpages!Created on this program. Useful for those who don't know any HTML.My personal blinkie for the webpage.Well known music player. Should be compatible to modern OS.